I want to share this story that might just change the way you think about the tech behind the scenes. It’s about stepping out of the comfort of our usual spaces (in my case, my cozy home office routine) and diving into the real world, out of the Zoom Meeting screen.
Thanks to an invite from the Sophos LATAM team to meet Sophos Central American partners and customers in Costa Rica. The goal? was to bridge the gap between us, support the operation and engineering teams and the people who use our products and services on a daily basis.
The Experience: More Than Just Handshakes
Imagine being able to meet the folks you’ve only ever interacted with through a support ticket

yep…although I am now a lead technical account manager, I don’t deal with support tickets as much as the days when I was a support engineer, when I used to interact with our customers and partner cases all the time, This event was like, finally putting a face to some familiar names that I used to deal with through support , but with the added bonus of hearing their stories in person . This wasn’t just a series of formal meetings; it was an opportunity to truly connect and understand the challenges and successes our users and partners face every day.
Sharing and Learning

On one of the days of the event, I had the chance to lead a session on Sophos’ troubleshooting processes, diving into the nitty-gritty of our escalation requirements and sharing resources designed to make our support interactions smoother.
Surprisingly, I discovered that many of the partners and customers present at the event were unaware of the value and utility of this information and how beneficial it might be for them to use it, even though it was already publicly available through our official channels.
The real win, however, was the feedback. Picture a room full of engaged users, eager to share their thoughts and ideas for improvement. That’s the kind of gold you can’t find without getting out there and asking.
The Impact: Building Bridges
Another perk of this adventure was the deeper connection forged with the Sophos Sales LATAM team. Sharing this experience has somehow strengthened our bond and improved our capacity to collaborate and recognize one another’s contributions to the greater scheme of things
The Takeaway: Leadership That Listens

Bravo, Sophos Services Management and LATAM Sales Executives, for not only making the event possible but also for trusting me with this task and, most of all for being genuinely interested in what I learned, and for the willingness to listen and act on the feedback I brought back. This is a testament to a culture that values growth and improvement.
I can’t wait for the next event!!